
At Incite Partners, we collaborate with some of the leading, cutting edge learning and organization development companies to bring you robust content that helps you establish a common leadership language and scales to your needs.

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Insights Discovery

Insights Discovery is a simple and accessible four colour model that is simple and easy to understand, helping participants understand themselves and others. That means people can continue to use the Insights Discovery terminology on a daily basis, which is vital when conflicts arise, team dynamics change or there is a change in leadership. Once the Insights Discovery online evaluator is completed, each person receives an Insights Discovery Personal Profile. An extremely powerful tool, it can be used to resolve conflict, improve communication and help teams see the value of each other’s contribution at work. Insights Discovery can be used in a workshop setting or in one-to-one coaching and is the foundational model to the Insights Discovery suite.

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About My Brain i4 Neuroleader Model & Instrument

Through the i4 Neuroleader Model & Methodology and a well structured set of principles, tools and processes, this program helps people and organisations improve leadership performance, creativity, engagement and brain/body health, to navigate a ‘VUCA’ worldThe aim of our i4 Neuroleader Program is to develop the collective brain/consciousness of the humans that make up an organisation. The concepts that support this methodology are based on the latest findings from the fields of neuroscience, neurogastronterology, sleep, nutrition, neurofeedback, mind-brain development & peak performance, mindfulness, body movement, design thinking, positive psychology, strategy and innovation.

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Blanchard Situational Leadership II

Many organizations struggle to find solutions that increase productivity and results in their organization. SLII® (Situational Leadership® II) is a proven, time-tested leadership model that has been used to train over 5 million managers in the world’s most respected organizations. Giving your people what they need, when they need it accelerates their development—creating a more productive, passionate workplace. As a member of the Blanchard Partner Network, Incite Partners Consulting has access to the entire suite of offerings from Blanchard Learning & Development.